NOTE:- Advise available for all countries laws vis-a-vis adultery & divorce so if you
want divorce from your adulterous wife & want to have Consultation with ATUR
CHATUR by paying him the consultation fees then contact him
at +91-9873540498 & must also leave an email at ATURCHATUR@YAHOO.COM
QUESTION:- Is Atur Chatur an
organisation? Does is provide free service? Can I use your personal service
also? Can u guide me personally also as I am willing to pay your fees?
do NOT call ourselves an organisation or organization. Because, we call
ourselves as a One Man Army as we believe that ONE MAN is enough to help bring
about change in a society or change in a nation so we act as a change agent
only & nothing more than that. YES, We do provide free blog service through
which men victims of false 498a & dowry harassment can find out a lot of
postings by us which will help them increase their learning & also help
them understand & aware them about this great matrimonial business in India
wherein a lot of people are playing with the lives of husbands & their
relatives by instigating their wives file false cases. We try to help them
through our blogs about what wrong can be done to them by whom & what can
they do within the current prevalent laws in India. YES, We also provide
personal services like consultation & drafting assistance. We are also
expert in a-z RTI matters till the level of CIC (Central Information Commission).
Please check my site for
details click here:- ATUR CHATUR
Also check helplne for NRI victims of false 498a & false domestic violence at:-
Best Wishes & Happy
Fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family!!!